Announcement: Auckland anti-#Roastbusters #Rapeboasters rally 2pm TODAY @ Britomart

“Go ahead. Call the cops. They can’t un-rape you” 
– Beraiah Hales, self-admitted serial pack rapist and member of the #Roastbusters rape crew, on

rbpThe NZ Police want us to just accept the fact that they aren’t charging the self-confessed #Roastbusters rape crew – a group of young MEN who boasted online for months on end about how they raped up to 30 CHILDREN (some of whom they stupefied first).

We absolutely do NOT accept that. The fact that serial pack rapists can boast about their rapes and get away with it is a source of international shame and disgust.

So while the cops don’t seem to care enough to independently press charges against #Roastbusters under the Crimes Act, instead displacing the blame saying they need minor children “to be brave” and ridiculously claiming there isn’t enough evidence (despite Auckland University researchers seeming to disagree with that), instead of watching the rugby or relaxing at the beach today, we’ll be congregating at Britomart at 2pm to let Aucklanders know that we DO care about the rape victims and we DO believe they deserve the justice that the NZ Police have deprived them of.

Please join us. And if you can’t, then post the link to this blog and/or the event image absolutely everywhere that you can, tell all your friends and family, and watch the livetweet of the event on the Twitter hashtags #Roastbusters and #Rapeboasters!

For a ton of background information, links and recent angles please read @TheSpinBin‘s latest article which can be found here (international) or at

Thank you!

Massive NZ March Coverage – NZEI ‘Stand Up For Kids’

Today, more people than the GCSB could ever perform illegal surveillance on came together for arguably the largest anti-privatision & anti-austerity action we have witnessed to date.

Nearly 10,000 people packed Queen Street & Aotea Square in Auckland Central today, to Stand Up For Kids. Children are the all too frequent victims of poverty in New Zealand and nothing about the current ruling Government’s education policy is improving that.

To the contrary, charter schools are leading us down the same terrible path as elsewhere in the world where their institution has already further devastated struggling communities.

Education should not be for sale. We do not want corporations owning our schools any more than we want them owning our prisons. Some things are too precious to have their integrity teetering on the balance of a profit margin.

Occupy Dunedin also rocked it. A show of force from our Southerner brothers and sisters:

Occupy Dunedin Dunedin Stands Up For KidsDunedin TeachersMeanwhile, in the capital; we were sent this utter GEM of a 1 min vid from Occupy Wellington;

Jai Bentley-Payne said it best. “Austerity is a scam!” But these guys aren’t far off. Asset sales are BULLSHIT!

Congratulations NZ for getting off your backsides and making noise. There are more of us doing it by the day and it is extremely heartening to see.

When people’s rights are under attack; stand up, fight back!

Solidarity Against Violence and Rape Culture – SHAKTI

It was a proud moment attending today’s SHAKTI event: “Rise Up Against Rape Culture – a silent protest in solidarity with women’s struggle in India.” This 20 second video of the circle of silence shows staunch anti-rape supporters of all colours, shapes and stripes, together in solidarity, demanding an end to sexual violence and sexual crimes. 

We were lucky to get a number of amazing photos of the action and to live tweet it. The live-tweet of the event is available on @OccupyNZ on Twitter.

The event was organised on short notice but carried off without a hitch. It was good to see some conventional media there – actually attending an event is a pre-requisite to writing about it, as far as we are concerned!!

We tweeted a number of great pics of various signs and hope that if you weren’t able to attend, that they make you feel like you were there.

This panorama shot is our pick of the day.


4trees SHAKTI - Violence Free

6protect 7tellthem 8daughters 9solidarity 10culture 11wegivebirth 12pacifica 13samoa 14shasha 15solidarity   18messages 19messages 20statue 2shaktichalkupy 3dontrape5coal

UPDATE: hearing that there was a sister event held today in Wellington, in solidarity. Awesome!!

Mana Party: “Feed The Kids” – Glen Innes Branch AGM

We were pleased to be invited to attend the Mana Movement Glen Innes Branch AGM last Thursday 15th November at Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Puau Te Moananui-a-kiwa in Glen Innes, Auckland.

Having attended and covered many of the Glen Innes Housing Defense protests in G.I. (as Aucklanders call it) it was important to us to have a chance to hear the korero (talk, messages) from the speakers present, many of whom have openly supported Occupy in New Zealand, since our inception.

As with such events, it is the finishing touches that really count, and we were extremely impressed by the organisation and generosity of the members, many of whom were familiar faces from protest actions.

Despite being “outsiders” we have been embraced by the G.I. community, with Mana granting us spontaneous filming, photographing and reporting rights, even allowing us to livetweet the event.

It is, to our knowledge, unprecedented for a political party, to be so open and transparent at an annual General Meeting. We certainly weren’t extended the same privileges at the recent (ruling) National Party Convention!!

What impressed us the most is how down-to-earth the proceedings were. Informal yet intimate setting, combined with grassroots marketing ingenuity; instead of glossy brochures and expensive advertising, hosts furnished the attendees with bags of kai (food) and asked us to make sure it went to people who needed it, if we ourselves didn’t.

That finishing touch reflected the drawing in Parliament of Mana Movement’s “Feed The Kids” bill – a piece of legislation that aims to bring New Zealand in line with other foreign countries by having our public education system be responsible for providing basic nourishment to children within school hours.

Web search “Child Poverty In New Zealand” to read about our appalling track record, with 100s of 1000s of children living below the breadline. Congratulations to Mana for seeking to address this and as they say, truly “Walking The Talk”.

Highlights from the livetweet:

Here is the video interview with John Minto – highly suggest viewing it from mobile phone!! Because for unknown reasons when we “rotated” it to the correct appearance in the video editor it cut the video in half! The conversation is great though and well worth listening to. Kia ora everyone involved in the AGM. You did a great job.

#N3 Street Party Against Privatisation #ANFS

#N3 was amazing. The Street Party Against Privatisation shutdown of K’Road by ‘Aotearoa Is Not For Sale‘ (#ANFS), ‘Socialist Aotearoa‘, Occupy and others, closed down the main block of the 2nd most famous street in New Zealand for approximately four hours.

The most famous street – Queen Street – was already shut down on July 14th.

It started out terrifying – with S.A., ANFS & Occupy all posting on social media pages that the NZ police had declared the event an illegal gathering & had threatened to mass arrest everyone.

In transit to the city, we cursed the fact that there was not a single radio station even mentioning what was unfolding, in the middle of the city.

Sure enough, upon our arrival we realised things had got heated really fast, with one cop in particularly shoving several people and one arrest (veteran Kiwi activist Malcolm France), during several scuffles between the cops and the public.

This is a short video of the battle of the pagodas – initially the police were successful at removing stuff from the street but after this a bunch of people grabbed hold of all the poles of each one and had a brief and bizarre tug of war with the police.

Then a group of marchers bearing a huge banner came around the corner towards us, and the police ran off to try to intercept them and the second their backs were turned, everyone piled into the middle of the street and within seconds the entire carnival was firmly established.

Everything from front and rear road cones and barriers/banners/signs, the children’s tents, all the activities, chalking and face painting, was going within minutes of the police confronting the other marchers.

People power prevailed! The party began.

(To see that and more, check out @Redstar309Z’s livestream footage. Note the cops with NO BADGES DISPLAYED at 20:40 on his stream)

Our favourite moment was after the fracas had subsided and the speakers were finished, when this amazing band (with three female vocalists) really got the crowd going. We captured one of their songs on video and it’s well worth the watch.

OK photo time. There was lots of Chalkupy goodness. Will update all the captions when we can.

Enjoy 🙂

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30+ Auckland University Students Occupy Staff Rooms Demanding Fees Freeze

(UPDATED) Just chatting on the phone with a student who is currently barricaded inside the Clock Tower of Auckland University, occupying the staff rooms in solidarity with anti-austerity protesters worldwide.

Their message to the world is that New Zealand has the 7th highest university fees in the developed world, with fee increases averaging 4% per year while the funding for most courses has been raised only 0-0.5%.

With 15% of students living in poverty, Auckland University students have decided to fight back.

It is a little known fact that Auckland University students were the first occupiers in New Zealand; occupying the clock tower 2 days prior to the inception of Occupy Wall Street in New York on September 17th, 2001.

For fast updates and pictures direct from the source, follow @FightTheFeesNZ on Twitter.

Today’s action is undertaken on October 15th (NZDT) which is the one year anniversary of the establishment of major occupations throughout New Zealand.  It is the second “Fight The Fees” action in a week; the first being a takeover of Princes Street on Wednesday October 10th, 2012.

After arriving at a “public meeting” to discuss the fee increases this afternoon, the students discovered all the doors were LOCKED to deny them the ability to participate in the meeting.

Subsequently, they entered and barricaded themselves into the Clock Tower staff rooms in protest.

There are currently reports that two female students have been assaulted by four campus security guards, and that the students chanted their way out of the Clock Tower and all the way to the doorstep of the Vice Chancellors Office, which was lined with police.

Solidarity to our brave students; we will continue to post updates as they come. Kia ora!!

Fight The Fees 1: ONZ Cover Student #O10 Action

Continuing their year of protest demonstrations, Auckland University students have followed up their extremely high-profile “Blockade The Budget” actions with their new campaign to “Fight The Fees”.

Student-organised protest actions being amongst the most eventful and historic that we have covered in the last year, on October 10th, we happily attended to try to help fill the information vaccuum created by mainstream media and to provide an independent eye-witness account, from the ground.

Everything we saw from the students really impressed us. As usual, they had made thorough and thoughtful preparations for the participants.

Everything we saw from the university “security”, however, shocked us. We’ll let the following pictures and video tell the story.

Albert Park Band Rotunda, iconic home of the Occupy Albert Park General Assembly

Walking through Albert Park we experienced a flush of nostalgia for Occupy Albert Park; sited within metres of the Auckland University campus, and once home to a cross-section of Auckland society, encamped together communally in true Occupy style.

Banners on the Albert Park side of Princes Street, Auckland Central, New Zealand

“Shit Policie$ = Shit Edacation (sic) – National 4 a Brighta Future” mocked this large blue banner.

“Fight The Fees” – the headlining banner for the action, hung from a tree on Princes St

Strung between an ancient tree and a makeshift billboard covered in activists’ signs, this bright red banner couldn’t be missed. Photos of it have been widely circulated on the net.

“DEATH TO DEBT” screamed the banner above the sound stage.

Students had organised for the action to begin with a short set from a local band, who were well received by the crowd.

Students mixing and mingling at beginning of action

The students set up a bread and hot soup table, and fed anyone who was hungry.

It wasn’t long before students took over Princes St itself & out came the chalk!

Awesome #Chalkupy from the students in solidarity with anti-austerity protesters around the globe.

“Fight The Fees Street Party! 2PM Today!”

Soon much of the street was covered in solidarity messages.

It took a minute for cars to work out what was going on.

It appears “Unisec” campus security duties didn’t extend to traffic control!

After the #Chalkupy the students sat down to hear the speakers.

Amongst other notable speakers was Professor Jane Kelsey who wrote this recent opinion piece in the NZ Herald lambasting Prime Minister of New Zealand John Key’s perpetual sucking up to Hollywood moguls over the Kim Dotcom affair & the insipid TPPA.

As staunch as they are, the students still listen attentively to all that is said.

So peaceful. So serene.

The students proved that even despite the minimal police presence (in contrast to the 100s of riot cops that snatched & illegally detained over 40 students at the first Blockade The Budget protest) that they could self-police, keeping the protest peaceful throughout.

The police seemed understandably reluctant to get too close.

It became clear, later on, that private “security” companies and likely the University hierarchy itself, were clearly running the show.

A mountain of sand appears from seemingly nowhere…

Students begin to sand sculpt… several others watch on, fascinated, not knowing what the end result will be.

The suspense, the suspense…

The first sculpture is completed. Although it’s hard to tell from this picture, the students were building traditional sand castles… but with a twist…

Solidarity red squares!

Each castle had a flag flying from the top of it – and each flag was a red square! Showing solidarity to the student movements protesting worldwide, in defense of their education!

Bubble machines are so awesome

Someone had a bubble machine which added a unique dimension to the atmosphere.

It wasn’t until long after the action that we discovered the true significance of this picture.

Literally every single security guard there (at least 10) were constantly snapping photographs of the student protesters AND the citizen journalists. Much later, a media member saw these pics and pointed out that the security WEREN’T just photographing us – they were in fact LIVESTREAMING the protest! The question is – who was watching?

The security guards didn’t seem the slightest bit interested in traffic control or patrolling the action.

They huddled in little groups all over the place, constantly checking their footage and deciding who and/or what they needed to take more of. Upon seeing this picture; a media member exclaimed… “THOSE AREN’T SECURITY GUARDS!!” Which begs the question; then who are they? And why are they wearing “Unisec” security guard uniforms?

Who are you, “Unisec”?

Which leads us to one of the videos we took of the event. It is of Professor Jane Kelsey speaking to the crowd of students. At 3:30 into it, we went for a little stroll. And who did we find, but an as-yet unidentified guy in a white shirt, instructing the “Unisec” people. Until they spotted us filming them. When all of a sudden they lost their appetite for conversation.

Intriguing huh? We’ll be interested to see whether one of the students recognises Mr. White Shirt. Hopefully he is a University administrator. If not, there is something really dodgy going on. Has the incessant surveillance of Occupiers & other activists, spread to surveilling the student movement? The legal implications are colossal.

All in all, despite the uniformed stalkers and wannabe spies, the action was really fun. Covering the student protests is both edifying and entertaining. We are constantly impressed by the depth of thought that goes into each one. Thank you for inspiring us, students. Looking forward to seeing you again next event. Kia ora koutou, nga mihi nui.


Chilean Students Demand Education Reform

After more than one hundred arrests, University of Chile Student’s Federation President Gabriel Boric assures followers that students are not giving up the fight. Considering that Chile is making such strong economic advances, yet their students are being forced to drop out, it is no wonder the students are refusing to stay quiet.

Source: Merco Press

This Is What Democracy Looks Like: Occupy NZ Media #BTB #ShowAndTell Coverage

(This post is now complete. Please share far and wide. Thank you so much for supporting citizen journalism. All credit to Occupy New Zealand Media team. Redstar’s livestream footage of this event is available here.)

Saturday 21st July 2012 was another awesome day for NZ students; who used the opportunity of the ruling National Party Conference hosted at SkyCity Casino (yes, THAT Sky City…) to push their message that education cuts, privatisation and forced austerity measures were NOT going to be taken lying down.

They did a brilliant job of organising this public event, which had many new features including NLG-style Legal Observers, free ‘Red Square’ pins for everyone and a welcoming crew that approached & chatted with members of the public throughout the day. The level of thought that had gone into the event really impressed us.

Below is a People’s Media mash-up of photos, tweets & our experiences on the ground. Non-commercial organisations (ie. other Occupy pages, citizen journalists, charities, organisations who openly endorse/support Occupy) are welcome to reprint/reblog/download/share any of the images below but we ask that you please credit Occupy New Zealand Media Team/Occupy Savvy. As usual the “big crowd” photos are about halfway down the post.

Kia ora koutou. It is a privilege to present this to you Aotearoa.

These guys were the first thing I saw heading into Britomart. The mat was roll-up & they would jump into the intersection when the pedestrian crossing turned green – roll out the mat – drop a freestyle to some old school b-boy blaring from their beatbox and then roll it back up & jump back out when the lights turned green. So cool.


These girls came straight up to me with big smiles and a free red square pin before I could even get to where the march was assembling.

Having such a friendly welcoming/outreach crew definitely made the difference, as I saw more and more members of the public enticed off the sidewalks and into the march proper.



The sound truck from last Saturday’s Aotearoa Is Not For Sale march made a reappearance, except instead of King Kapisi on the back, it was bearing a coffin!

Initially the police presence appeared minimal – probably a dozen cops. We found out later why so few were at Britomart… when we got to Sky City Convention Centre.

Looking towards the port, where the beleaguered MUNZ workers spent much of the last year fighting for basic work conditions and respect from their well-heeled employers.

They had this road truck follow them around dropping road cones opening & closing roads.

The march begins to form – with the familiar BLOCKADE THE BUDGET banner from the last Blockade The Budget student protest, which suffered mass arrests and police assaults on peacefully protesting students and faculty at Auckland University.

Our Occu-Mama & Occupy Media member Lyn repping Socialist Aotearoa. She is an inspirational wahine toa who is one of the 8 arbitrarily-selected members of Occupy Auckland to be personally persecuted and mercilessly prosecuted (at ridiculous ratepayer expense) by Auckland Council. (Who we prefer to refer to as Auckland Corporatouncil!)

^^^ Take a good look at the above photo. It was one of the most telling & hilarious parts of the event. We slipped in behind the Socialist Aotearoa banner with Lyn (despite the fact I’m actually not a socialist, S.A. have done a lot to support Occupy in NZ) and was immediately descended upon by the above reporter & cameraman for TV1 News. “Can we interview you?” They asked. “Sure” we said. “But we’re just going to grab a quick pic of you first.” Camera already out, within a microsecond the shot was taken. The reporter surprised & amused – the cameraman not even slightly amused. They asked us a few questions and we answered eloquently and fluidly enough that the reporter was surprised and exclaimed, “thanks, that was great!” while the cameraman scowled bitterly at us. They disappeared off for a quick huddle and then reappeared. The dinosaur cameraman demanded that we re-shoot the piece due to having had sunglasses on (it was 1pm). We politely refused and got told that the footage “wouldn’t be used then”. Why is this significant? Wait and see what happens with these two further down this post.

People begin to move onto the street as the march begins to fill up.

It soon becomes apparent that there are vastly more people in the middle of the street than there are on the pavement.

A lone motorbike cop in front of the march assembly.

People turn to face a small stage where speakers address the crowd and the street theatre commences.

School children hold up signs representing different types of employees and students effected by austerity measures and education cuts, then a man with a huge pair of fake scissors jumps out and literally cuts their signs in half. Pre-planned, they all laugh.

Naomi – performed a passionate piece of spoken word poetry, beautifully.

Jai Bentley-Payne spoke on behalf of the students, warning us “Austerity is a SCAM!!!”. We quoted him on livetweet on #BTB and #Showandtell hashtags as well as the Canadian student movement hashtags #ggi #casseroles #manifecours and within minutes, his quote was retweeted around the world by students in solidarity globally.

And finally – we were off. The march up from the bottom of Queen Street begins.

There was all different kinds of New Zealanders marching; of every colour, shape and background.

“They Take Our Education – We Take The Streets!”

The giant red solidarity square was out again – which the kids loved playing under.

John Key….. is a duck? LOL.

One of the greatest things about today was the brand spanking new student-provided legal observers. This is something sorely lacking at previous protests mainly due to the lack of NLG-type organisation in New Zealand to support democratic peaceful protesters. Looks like thanks to the students, this is changing. Kia ora students!

This iconic Auckland intersection (Victoria & Queen) once again occupied by the public – for the second time in eight days.

5000 post-grad students are estimated to be unable to continue study due to changes made by the ruling National Party and the austerity measures they are imposing upon education (and other public sectors).

The “Fuck The Rich” guy was back and very pleased when we told him our photo of his sign at last Saturday’s Aotearoa Is Not For Sale march was picked up by a Spanish-language online newspaper with 94,000 likes on their page. Pretty impressive.

I guess this is what they call civil disobedience! Though really, its exercise. The exercising of our democratic rights!

The mood quickly turns from jubilant to appropriately solemn as students bear the coffin all the way up Victoria Street from Queen Street as a funeral march plays.

Protesters observe a minute of silence but their signs speak on regardless.

We finally make it to Sky City Conference Centre….. and arrive at a shocking sight. Police officers wall the inside of the entrance two deep. People stand around with literally mouths hanging open at the wanton display of force. Yet still it is only a fraction of what will later greet us outside the casino itself.

Despite the police presence, protesters put signs and stickers up on the glass and the coffin is carried up to the entrance.

The crowd begin to chant enthusiastically. Most of the chants are recorded on the livetweet which can be found on Twitter

At first we thought they might be there to enforce the No Smoking policy…

Until we saw these guys.

As we clearly were not going to be able to enter the convention centre, off we went around the block, the long way to Sky City Casino. Completely unawares of what awaited us.

As we hit Federal Street, we realised the bottom over-street Skywalk was filled with Casino executives and the top Skywalk was filled with cops. Being towards the back, it took a few minutes to realise what was blocking the march at the front line…

It was awesome to see random members of the public out walking their dogs join the march… wonder what he thought of what was in front of him…

Tried to get closer to the front to find out why no one was able to move any further…

Passing ASB bank on Federal Street the cops were shoulder to shoulder but we still had no idea what lay ahead of the march…

As we reached this point the jackets in front of the march gave us some indication of what was ahead..

The police were walling off the road in Federal Street which explained why the march had ceased moving – however – we were not at all prepared for the sight of what was behind that first wall of police… take note of the far right cop in the above picture for a reference point…

The woman pictured to the bottom right wasn’t a cop or a protester. She was actually a member of the public who found herself stuck and couldn’t get through. We politely asked the police if they could please let her through as she wasn’t with us and was genuinely being prevented from accessing public space. They initially refused outright but after we insisted they should have an officer escort her through they relented and did so. Then – to our shock – remember Mr. grumpy dinosaur mainstream media cameraman? Well he showed up to our immediate left and says to the cops “let me through for a shot.” To our utter astonishment the police immediately stand aside and allow him through the line.

We were flabbergasted and immediately request to also be allowed through to take some shots to which we were told “that is for media only”. When we identified ourselves as media, the police supervisor told us “STAY WHERE YOU ARE” in an extremely rude and abrupt manner. We were puzzled – wondering why mainstream media could access the blocked area but not citizen journalists? Then we realise what the mainstream media camera was seeing from back there. Or more importantly – what it wasn’t.

From where they filmed – they couldn’t see the cops above them. They couldn’t see the cops behind them. They couldn’t see the barricaded forcibly closed street nor that all of the aforementioned collectively stopped the march from proceeding, ending and dissipating as quickly as planned by organisers. It soon became clear that they were tailoring their vantagepoint.

Apparently it wasn’t only MSM that got free access to behind police lines. There were also Sky City staff – assumedly supervisors – taking holiday snaps behind the front line. Not sure why they have more rights than the citizen journalists who were prevented from entering – would love to put in an official letter to the NZ Police to find out why corporate staff have greater access and rights when in the middle of a public street photographing a democratic protest, than our public independent media do? Ridiculous.

Perhaps blinded by the sight of so many flourescent vests, after some spirited chanting of “Army of the rich, enemy of the poor!” at the hundreds of police present, the march turns around and heads back to the Convention Centre; where there had seemed so many cops; but now seemed few by comparison!!

Even though by that point we were all using the sidewalk… the police preferred the road and trailed us all the way back to the convention centre…

…helpfully again lining the streets all the way around…

…and again blocking the entrance. Awesome.

The protest was officially called and we were really happy to meet this cheery lady and get this great pic of her Aotearoa Is Not For Sale t-shirt. Shout out to everyone who attended and supported today. Good on you for braving the intimidation tactics and having your say.


Leaving the site of the protest we had one last bizarre experience – we noticed a huge blacked out SUV parked across the pavement with two Sky City employees guarding it. As it is an unusual sight to see a vehicle parked on the pavement, with not a single police officer ticketing it, we stopped and took a photo. At which point the supervisor on the right hand side started to have a complete fit at us, demanding “NO PHOTOS, NO PHOTOS”. Before we could even begin to respond several members of the public interjected, with one screaming at him that he had no right to prevent the public taking photographs on public streets and essentially, who did he think he was for attempting to interfere with us. We asked him whose car it was and he snapped “it’s MY car”… because quite obviously Sky City supervisors park blacked out SUV’s across the pavement then guard them personally, with staff security guards also present? We don’t think so, buddy 🙂


We spotted some pretty awesome signs throughout the day. Below is a collection of them. Thank you to everyone for being so friendly and happily having your signs photographed.

Auckland Action Against Poverty are hosting tomorrow’s protest at the same location – click here for the Facebook event details.

Unite Union have been a big supporter of Occupy, Aotearoa Is Not For Sale, and the student movement.

Socialist Aotearoa, another huge supporter of Occupy and other protest movements in NZ.

Taking the piss out of the National slogan: “Shit policies = Shit edacation. National 4 a Brighta Futur”

Students have scrawled micro-messages to John Key all over their main “Blockade The Budget” banner.

Some of the language is pretty colourful and spirited but the message is clear. Invest in the future of New Zealand. Not finance companies and privatisation of public assets.

A pissed-off parent has their say.

A serious question…

Are you listening, “Mr” Key? No doubt your lackeys are…

Students are often under-appreciated by our government, who like to depict them as lazy.

Occupy NZ Endorsement Of & Media Resources For #J14 Protest Actions In 17 NZ Cities/Towns

Occupy New Zealand wholeheartedly endorses the Aotearoa Is Not For Sale National Day of Action taking place across the nation tomorrow Saturday July 14, 2012.

We now hear as many as 17 cities & towns are organising solidarity actions for #J14. We are so proud of everyone getting involved in this momentous day for Aotearoa New Zealand.

We are participating in the promotion of the event and urge you to share the following details so that supporters worldwide may participate online.

We continue to support in every way we can, the edification & uplifting of ALL of the public of New Zealand and see these events as a hugely positive step forward for our country.

Kia ora whanaunga.





LIVESTREAM: @Redstar309z

LIVETWEET: @ANFSJ14 @OccupyNZ @endarken



Auckland –
Hamilton –
Tauranga –
Palmerston North –
Whanganui –
Taranaki –
Napier –
Christchurch –
Nelson –
Dunedin –
Wellington –
Hokianga / Rawene –
Timaru –
Takaka – 1pm, Main Street
Raglan – 2pm, Ngarunui Beach


Helen Kelly for the Council of Trade unions,
Phil Twyford for the Labour Party,
Russell Norman for the Green Party,
Winston Peters for New Zealand First,
Hone Harawira for the Mana Movement.

Also endorsed by:
We Are the University (Auckland)
Unite Union
The Public Service Association
The Service and Food Workers Union
The Maritime Union of New Zealand
New Zealand Nurses Organisation
Citizens Against Privatisation,
Public Services Association
PPTA (Auckland)
Occupy Movement
NZ First Youth Wing
Grey Power
Socialist Aotearoa.